Clean Air Filter Car K N

Keeping your k n air filter clean and in good condition will greatly improve your vehicle s mileage and overall performance.
Clean air filter car k n. The next step is to spray the air filter with an air filter cleaner. Apply spray cleaner onto the filter. Repeat the cleaning procedure and wash again for filters that are extra dirty. Shake out loose dirt and debris.
How to clean a k n air filter start cleaning next spray your air filter with the k n cleaner generously and let it sit for at least 10 minutes before rinsing. After spraying the air filter wait for 10 minutes so that it cuts through the deposited dirt and contaminants. Quick steps to clean a k n air filter remove filter from car. Use a soft brush to apply the shock absorber oil to the k n air filter.
Using the recharger kit included with your k n filter just spray the filter with the cleaning solution rinse it and apply a new coat of dust trapping oil. Allow the oil to wick for approximately 20 minutes and then touch up any light areas on either side of filter until there is a uniform red color on all areas. When you apply this oil don t get too excited meaning it doesn t need to be on each side of the filter only the outside of the filter. Apply oil to the k n air filter the last process you can apply shock absorber oil or other light oil to the clean k n air filter.
K n also has air filter cleaning sprays so you can use those if you like.