Clean Energy Alliance Board Meeting

During covid the board s regular meetings have been scheduled for 4 p m.
Clean energy alliance board meeting. Join our mailing list for the latest news and updates from clean power alliance. Solana beach city hall. The clean energy alliance joint powers authority submitted an implementation plan to the california public utilities commission. Del mar city hall.
The video will be available after the meeting on the. Clean energy alliance jpa board meeting feb. Clean energy alliance jpa special meeting agenda packet virtual only. Davis city community chambers 23 russell blvd davis ca 95616.
Clean energy alliance jpa board meeting. Agenda and agenda packet. Via teleconference adopted via resolution 2020 022 unsigned at their august 13 2020 meeting. Now therefore be it resolved by the board of directors of the clean energy alliance as follows.
Agenda and agenda packet. Clean energy alliance jpa board. Meeting dates times and agendas are listed on the clean energy alliance s meetings webpage. We share in the heartache that our city and state has been at the epicenter of the u s.
Download aug 20 2020. We look forward to connecting with. Agenda minutes download sep 17 2020. Clean energy alliance jpa board meeting.
1050 camino del mar dec. Local programs for a clean energy future strategic plan. Sustainable energy incubator residential customers. See board agenda packets for more details.
Covid 19 crisis and that the pandemic has affected brown and black new yorkers disproportionately. The board of directors of the clean energy alliance hereby approves the clean energy alliance community choice aggregation implementation plan and statement of intent. When meetings are hosted by the city of carlsbad they are aired live on the city s cable channel spectrum channel 24 and at t u verse channel 99 and streamed live on the city s website. Meetings are accessible to people with disabilities and can be participated in remotely.
Clean energy alliance jpa agenda packet virtual meeting. Valley clean energy authority s monthly board meetings are typically held on the 2nd thursday of each month. If you want to keep up to date on clean power alliance news and announcements but can t make it to a board meeting please subscribe to our email list using the button below. The alliance for clean energy new york recognizes that we are in unprecedented times.
The city of carlsbad has partnered with the cities of del mar and solana beach to create a new community choice energy joint powers authority that will provide an option for local customers to purchase power from more renewable sources starting in 2021. Cesa works with state leaders federal agencies industry representatives and other stakeholders to develop clean energy programs and inclusive renewable energy markets. Download jul 23 2020. 16 2020 2 p m.
635 south highway 101 jan. 20 2020 2 p m. Layered on top of the loss of more than 100 000 lives is the latest.