Clean Energy Conference Trinidad

With this goal in mind our agenda is well planned with multiple networking.
Clean energy conference trinidad. This year s conference has been cancelled and the 45th international conference. Click below to register for the t t energy conference and day 3 workshops. Fifth international conference on fossil and renewable energy is a part of successful series of conference started from 2016 and held annually since then. Clean energy solutions center.
Clearwater conference latest updates a message to our attendees these are very trying times. The local content charter. Renewable energy currently provides 10 of power globally and is the fastest growing source of energy and last year the share of both renewables and natural gas in primary energy consumption increased to record highs. And i have no doubt that this year s conference will help trinidad and tobago move.
The 21st annual caribbean energy conference will gather senior level experts decision makers and solution providers involved in latin american energy. He is the author of the 1 amazon best selling book clean disruption of energy and transportation how silicon valley will make oil nuclear natural gas coal electric utilities and conventional cars obsolete by 2030 which has changed the global conversation about the future of. The energy chamber of trinidad and tobago registered office. Energy chamber annual reports.
United states of america. Keynote speaker tony seba. The government of the republic of trinidad and tobago gortt is in the process of devel oping a sustainable energy program sep which aims to manage its natural resources in a more sustainable way enhancing the use of renewable energy re and energy efficiency ee. 3rd biennial oil and gas law conference will be hosted at the hilton hotel and conference centre trinidad from march 27th 29th 2019.
Please note that new registrations after wednesday 26th january will attract a late fee of usd 100 per registrant. Please view the table below for the cost of the trinidad and tobago energy conference 2020 for both members and non members. This year we are pleased to collaborate with the just transition initiative. Ecowas regional centre for renewable energy and energy efficiency ecreee energia.
To register for this conference kindly fill out the f r energy 2021 online registration form by following the instructions provided within it. Suite b2 03 atlantic plaza atlantic avenue point lisas trinidad tel. United republic of tanzania.