Compare Electricity Usage Neighbors

Compare your usage to other similar homes neighbors compare your usage.
Compare electricity usage neighbors. In addition to being able to download your own usage data additional resources include. Either way we are off the chart. Peco energy has recently submitted a plan to the pennsylvania public utilities commission that will allow customers to compare their energy usage to their neighbors as well as residents. Looks like our family of four is spending double what the average energy user in the area is spending.
This is wrong to compare my usage to my neighbors because as pointed out above there can be many reasons for variations in usage. Compare your usage and bills month over month and year over year. Frequent dryer use can raise your bill. Everyone uses energy but most people don t understand their energy profile or how easy it is to control.
Xcel has 1 4 million electric customers in colorado. In addition a poor economy has caused electricity theft to rise as people who are struggling to make ends meet resort to desperate measures to keep the power on. The high bills associated with stolen electricity aren t the only shock you may encounter. These efficient neighbors i want to meet them he said.
Peco to allow comparing electricity usage with your neighbors ever wonder how much your neighbors are spending on electricity and if you are paying a lot more. You can track by total bill or in the case of electricity actual kilowatt hours. See below for more information on energy usage. Drug dealers use stolen electricity to power indoor marijuana growing operations and meth labs.
Peco s report also cites the usage of the top 20 percent of katzenberg s neighbors saying he used about 65 percent more power than his most efficient neighbors costing him about 454 more a year. What is compare electricity. Utilize each of the tool s unique tabs to better understand your energy consumption. In the us the transportation sector uses the most energy followed closely by the industrial sector residential sector and the commercial sector.
Frutchey is one of 450 000 xcel customers in colorado who regularly receive an e mail or letter comparing their energy usage to their neighbors.