Cool Deck Ideas Yugioh

The literal and graphical information presented on this site about yu gi oh including card images the attribute level rank and type symbols and card text is copyright 4k media inc a subsidiary of konami digital entertainment inc.
Cool deck ideas yugioh. Iron chain deck destruction burn deck. Using an existing deck as inspiration to make an experimental and personalized deck. Hello yugioh fans i am just going to keep this short since its just more of a preference question. It is good in the sense that you can win the game by getting all 5 pieces but it is getting the 5 pieces that is the tough part.
With this deck you shall chain down and burn your enemy. Cookie cutting i don t care if i completely copy a deck as long a i can kick some ass. Lets be honest you re already aware of all the good decks that are fun to play. Decks fun casual decks.
To help you get started here s the top 10 most fun yugioh decks to play. Android deck building application. These decks are pretty much casual only. We never really think of cute but yu gi oh s got a history of cute monsters dating back to the days of kuriboh and dark magician girl.
So me and my friends love dueling now and then and we have a decent amount of decks. If you re not up to date with yu gi oh at the moment then let me tell you that exodia isn t really that good any more. Boss rush deck bacterian empire ship beatdown ben kei otk big city billy deck black. Many duellists including yugi moto marcel bonaparte possessed by yubel and adrian gecko.
September 20 2020 treven 20 0 comments burn deck destruction iron chain. In real life we have e heros competitive six samurai competitive evolsaurs fun photon galaxy competitive crystal beasts fun ancient gear fun t g competitive chain burn fun lightsworns competitive and. As the fanbase came to be. Team aps duration.
Building the entire deck so it can make one big move. Please note i have tried to avoid archetypes and or decks that are powerful. Playing yu gi oh doesn t have to be expensive. Using popular decks but customizing them to fit my playing style.
A a legendary ocean a to z agent alien all out attacks ally of justice amazoness amorphage ancient gear anti cure anti meta aquaactress arcana force archfiend armed dragon armor ninja aromage artifact asura priest otk athena otk atlantean b banish psychic batteryman battlin boxer bazoo return b e s.