Copper Constantan Thermocouple Experiment

Experiments with a thermoelectric generator with data logger.
Copper constantan thermocouple experiment. It is found in other laboratory environments as well. A device such as that shown above can be produced with many junctions which when connected in series gives output voltages of the order of one volt rather than the usual microvolts encountered with copper constantan thermocouples. Type t thermocouple copper constantan. Uses tend to be restricted to ac circuits.
Type k thermocouple consisting of chromel and alumel alloys it is also used in. T e m p e r a t u r e p r o c e s s i n s t r u m e n t s i n c technical information data bulletin type t thermocouple copper constantan temp 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9. The type t has excellent repeatability between 380f to 392f 200c to 200c. Also it is the negative element of the type t thermocouple with ofhc copper the positive.
Type t thermocouples are used at cryogenic temperatures. Calibrating calibration charts of thermocouple. This consists of iron and constantan metals and is commonly used in inert oxidizing vacuum or reducing atmospheres as compared to constantan the iron element in this types of thermocouple wire oxidizes faster at temperatures higher than 1000 degrees fahrenheit. Type j thermocouples are used in heat treating applications.