Copper Sulfate Spray For Fruit Trees

Peach leaf curl affects the shoots flowers foliage and fruit of peaches and nectarines.
Copper sulfate spray for fruit trees. Copper spray has been used to treat fruit trees for many years and is considered a staple to prevent disease. It can be mixed with water as a spray for preventing diseases of fruit trees ornamentals small fruits and vegetables. Each mix is usually identified with three numbers representing the amount of copper sulfate in pounds hydrated lime in pounds and gallons of water. Basic copper sulfate is a powder.
Hydrated lime to 1 gallon of water. A 6 8 100 has 6 pounds of copper 8 pounds of hydrated lime and 100 gallons of water. Or as a dust on ornamentals or vegetables. As noted earlier bordeaux mixture is made by mixing copper sulfate and spray lime.
Copper sulfate sprays are typically applied during the dormant season of the fruit tree which is generally in late fall or winter months. You can buy bordeaux mixture as a powder or make it yourself. The university of california cooperative extension master. Spray guides repeatedly warn against using oil and copper after the dormant season.
It offers a fairly strong protection but it is harder to mix in the sprayer washes off a bit more easily and is more likely to cause damage to. Copper sulfate to 1 3 tbsp. No other adjuvants are necessary or recommended when applying copper products on tree fruits rosenberger said. However some sweet cherry.
Copper spray has been used to treat fruit trees for many. Best offers for your garden https amzn to 2innd0w copper spray for fruit trees. The best time to spay a plant with a copper sulfate fungicide is before leaf out in the spring or after leaf drop in the fall to prevent damaging the leaves. Copper spray is effective against a number of diseases that attack fruit trees.
Copper sprays are safe for most orchard applications when directions are followed. However if you must spray during the growing season use a diluted mixture of the fungicide as follows. Just don t use lime sulphur on apricot trees they re sensitive to sulphur. Bordeaux mixture is made by mixing copper sulfate and spray lime.
Copper spray for fruit trees. Most forms such as copper sulfate are approved for organic growers and can be used on your organic fruit trees.