Clia Waived Rapid Drug Test Cup

This cup includes temperature strip and 3 additional adulterant tests for creatinine oxidants.
Clia waived rapid drug test cup. This cups tests for amphetamines 500 barbiturates 300 buprenorphine 10 benzodiazepines 300 cocaine 150 ecstasy mdma500 methamphetamine 500 methadone 300 opiates 300 oxycodone 100 and pcp 25 and thc 50. Clia mdsc 14 25 cups pr box rapid drug test cup for detection of drugs of abuse in urine. Rapid drug test cup is the first ever fda cleared and clia waived 12 panel drug test cup with integrated adulteration testing. Aimscreen multi drug urine dip card dip device clia waived and test cup amphetamines benzodiazepines cocaine metaboities cannabinoids methamphetamines oxycodone morphine barbituates buprenorphine mdma pcp methadone healgen scientific limitied 80305qw.
The 12 panel clia waived drug test screens for the presence of amphetamine cocaine oxycodone marijuana phencyclidine ecstasy morphine benzodiazepines barbiturates methadone methamphetamine and buprenorphine in human urine which is qualitatively analyzed to indicate a positive or negative test result. 14 panel multi drug screen cups sku. 14 panel rapid drug test cup is an fda cleared and clia waived 14 panel drug test cup with integrated adulteration testing and buprenorhine new lower cut offs makes this cup ideal for pain management and addiction screening. 14 panel rapid drug test cup is the first ever fda cleared and clia waived 14 panel drug test cup with integrated adulteration testing and buprenorhine.
Read results between 5 60 minutes. This cups tests for many illicit substances and prescription drugs. 25 cups per box rapid 12 panel drug screening cup for drugs of abuse. These tests provide only a preliminary test result and are the first step in a two step process for detecting drugs of abuse in urine.
New 16 panel cup is the most comprehensive on the market and also includes tests for tramadol alcohol etg metabolite offers 80 hours of detection for alcohol fentanyl and k2 spice. 12 panel drug test fda 510 k cleared box of 25 the rapid detect 12 panel clia waived urine drug testing cup with results in just 5 minutes. The cliawaived inc rapid drug test cup is available in double drug analyte cassette dip format.